Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dr.Seuss – I like Nonsense, and Persevere-by Jonie

I like nonsense,
it wakes up the brain cells.
Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living,
It’s a way of looking at life
through the wrong end of a telescope.
Which is what I do,
And that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.
Dr. Seuss

I’ve been through some terrible things in life,
some of which never happened.
Mark Twain

When faced with a mountain,
I will not quit!
I will keep on striving until I climb over,
find a pass through,
tunnel underneath,
or simply stay and turn the mountain into a gold mine,
with God’s help.
Robert H Schuller

1 comment:

  1. Jonie tried to leave a comment but got kicked out.....she has asked me to please try to leave a comment saying she is glad you liked her website and to thank you for linking back to her. :)

    Jonie's friend, Judi
