Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Golden eagle clutches bloodied lamb in its razor-sharp talons

Death from above: The golden eagle snatched the lamb on the Isle of Mull. This dramatic picture provides evidence that the powerful birds of prey have been snatching live-stock from farmers

"Swooping low over a mountainside, this magnificent but deadly golden eagle clutches a bloodied lamb in its talons.
This dramatic picture provides the first photographic evidence that the powerful birds of prey have been snatching livestock from British farmers’ flocks.
It was taken on the Isle of Mull, off the West coast of Scotland, where shepherds have long campaigned against the reintroduction of eagles which they see as a threat to their livelihoods..."story here


  • A golden eagle has a wingspan of up to 8ft. Its body is up to 40in long,it weights up to 13lb and it can fly at 100mph.
  • They mate for life and can live for 30 years.
    victorians hunted them to extinction in the UK but in 1975 they were reintroduced to Scotland from Norway. There are 30 breeding pairs.
  • A £900,000 plan to reintroduce them to England, and along the Suffolk coast, was scrapped last year in the Coalitions cuts.
  • Special protection areas in Scotland were designated last year after evidence that farmers were poisoning eagles. These cover 850,000 acres of North and West Scotland and include Glen Etive, Glen Fyne and the Cairngorms Massif
  • Hunters in Kazakhstand use tame golden eagles to catch foxes. The liver of the fox is given to the eagle as a reward.
  • The eagles kill large prey by dropping it from a great height. Tortoises are dropped on to rocks to crack their shells.
  • A lamb was seen headbutting a golden eagle who was trying to grab it, according to the Outer Hebrides bird report of 2009.

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