Monday, January 30, 2012

Alcohol Brain Damage Alcoholism Brain Damage Alcoholic Dementia Alcoholism And The Brain

The relationship between alcoholism and the brain, alcohol brain damage and how alcoholic dementia develops is a difficult one for researchers.
This is due to the very nature of dementia and the hurdles this places on objectivity.
Yet it has been long established that alcoholics are at greater risk of dementia symptoms than those who drink within moderate drinking guidelines or not at all.
It is estimated that 4-20% of dementia cases are brought about by alcohol abuse.
Yet there is good news. Although alcohol dementia is progressive, it can be halted and even reversed.
But, the alcoholic needs to stop drinking alcohol altogether in order for their cognitive abilities to return.
There is with alcoholic dementia a point of no return.
This means that past a certain point the brain is so damaged by alcohol that nothing can be done.Read here.... Alcoholics Dementia, Devastation and Forgiveness:Blog for Mental Health 2012

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