Friday, July 20, 2012

Allegory of the Cave by Plato

   Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is, one of the philosophical writings in the form of allegory. An allegorical writing is the type of writing having two levels of meanings: literary and allegorical meanings. A literary meaning is the content or the subject matter and allegorical meaning is the symbolic or metaphorical suggestion. In allegorical writing characters, actions and setting are used as symbols and they should be interpreted to make the allegorical meaning. In the Allegory of the Cave, Plato has given a description of the cave of the cave world.                             The cave is very dark because there is little light inside it and hardly seen the objects. There are some chained people on their necks as well as feet, these chained people cannot move easily. Similarly, there is also another world out of the cave world, but between these two worlds, a wall is raised. On the wall, many other people move with different things on their hands and their shadows fall in the cave world. The people inside the cave cannot raise their head completely so that they can only see the shadows like illusion, which they believe, as real but it is just their illusion...Continue reading...

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