Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Saluting Pamela Geller: a Champion of Liberty - Atlas Shrugs

Amil Imani is an ex-Muslim, an Iranian-born American citizen, and a pro-freedom activist. He knows Sharia oppression firsthand, and cuts through the "Islamophobia" nonsense.
Saluting Pamela Geller: a Champion of Liberty Amil Imani, May 14, 2013
Tragically, during these times of great peril, truth is sacrificed by the politically correct, the myopic self-serving in the liberally dominated media, and the ruling class.  Against this backdrop, a women of great courage and integrity labors tirelessly in speaking the truth and in the defense of liberty.
Pamela Geller’s work in objectively revealing the true nature of Islam makes her a valued champion and defender of human dignity with liberty for all, and in particular, for women as longstanding victims of Islamic misogyny.
Geller methodically sheds light on the dark nature of Islamic beliefs and the barbaric practices involving the abuse of women in all ways, such as honor killing, female genital mutilation, child sex trafficking, forced child brides, severe abuse of homosexuals, and much more under the Stone Age Sharia law. Her work upholds and defends the ideals of human rights...Continue reading...

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