Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Julian Assange: ‘When You Read a Newspaper Article, You Are Reading Weaponized Text’

Julian Assange is the founder of Wikileaks and during a recent interview, he discussed the hot-topic of fake news, mainstream media and how Wikileaks data driven approach prevented fake news from being used as “weaponized text” by the MSM.
According to a CNET report, Julian Assange gave an interview via Skype and he discussed with Chas Licciardello, an Australian comedian this week. Wikileaks founder emphasized his refusal to editorialize the leaked content as he prefers to deliver only raw data to the public, thus publishing pure facts without bias.
What’s very special about Wikileaks is their pure data approach and that’s particularly important in the context of fake news. Julian Assange stressed during the interview that:
“What is special about WikiLeaks is that it’s not just another damn story, it’s not just another damn journalist putting their damn byline, advertising themselves and their position on another damn story.
You’re not reading pre-weaponised knowledge. When you read a newspaper article, you are reading weaponised text that is designed to affect a person just like you… I think that is the real beauty of WikiLeaks… it is that sea of information, that treasure, that intellectual treasure, that rebel library of Alexandria you can go into.”...https://www.theissue.com/politics/wikileaks-assange-when-you-read-a-newspaper-article-you-are-reading-weaponized-text

Related: WikiLeaks

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