A newly discovered cave in a remote valley in British Columbia's Wells
Gray Provincial Park just might be the country's largest such feature.
The entrance to the cave, nicknamed "Sarlacc's Pit" by the helicopter
crew who discovered it, is seen in an undated handout photo. THE
CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Catherine
The Canadian Press
VANCOUVER - A newly discovered cave in a remote valley in British
Columbia's Wells Gray Provincial Park might just be the country's
The feature was spotted by a helicopter crew from the province's
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change in March, when they were
conducting a caribou census through the northeastern part of the park.
Geologist Catherine Hickson, who first went to the cave in September,
said the discovery promises a dramatic new chapter in the story of
Canadian cave exploration.
“It was absolutely amazing,” she said. “I immediately recognized that this was very significant.”...https://www.cp24.com/news/newly-discovered-cave-in-b-c-park-might-be-the-largest-in-canada-1.4201928
A dog lost his owner but just couldn't let go. This is a story of how love transcends death😢 .. a sad story - But the emotion has meaning and good on the local people for keeping the story and the memory of this dog alive. 😢👍 pic.twitter.com/NyghS2T7PL
The house was completely destroyed in the fire. (Submitted by Joyska Tkachyk)
An overheated laptop ignited papers on a desk and erupted into a
fire that left nothing but ashes where a family's home once stood in a
small southeastern Manitoba community.
The cause of the fire,
which happened Nov. 21 in Sundown — just over 100 kilometres southeast
of Winnipeg — was released this week by the provincial fire
commissioner's office. The official wording cited the case as
"accidental, due to an overheated laptop igniting nearby combustibles."
I am proud to be the Canadian representative for the climate exit
(CLEXIT) movement. Canada has more culpability than any other nation in
creating and perpetuating the deception. It is not hyperbole to say that
Canada was central to creating and mobilizing the false claim of
anthropogenic global warming (AGW). The idea that humans were causing
runaway global warming originated with the Club of Rome. Formed in 1968
by David Rockefeller, it expanded on the Malthusian idea that the
population would outgrow the food supply. The expansion was that world
population would outgrow all resources. They made three major
The demand for resources would increase every year because the population is increasing every year.
Developed nations increase the demand by using resources at a much greater rate than developing nations.
More nations are changing from developing to developed and accelerating demand.
They produced a few books and reports to substantiate the claims about population and demand. Paul Ehrlich’s 1968 The Population Bomb garnered enormous attention. Less well read but still influential was the 1972 book Limits to Growth by
Meadows et al. It used a very primitive computer program that started
with two components. The known volume of a resource and the current rate
of use. Then, using a simple linear trend, it projected the point at
which the resource would run out. It also projected the point at which
the volume of the resource use peaked. Another book published in 1977,
Ecoscience, Population, Resources, and Environment, influenced policy
for a long time because of Paul Ehrlich’s co-author John Holdren. He
later became Science Advisor in the Obama White House...
...The bureaucrats at Environment Canada became a major force nationally
and internationally in promoting and perpetuating the deception. The
government of Canada must use them to take the lead in a return to
sanity. It is time to shut them down and CLEXIT from the fiasco,
deception, and devastating costs in lost opportunities. It is guaranteed
to create bad science when you have scientific bureaucrats. If the
evidence shows what thy told politicians were the case, they are not
going to risk their job by admitting they got it wrong. As Upton
Sinclair said,
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”
The only role of EC should involve as much data collection as possible made available to anybody who needs it. http://drtimball.com/
Sandra Solomon, grew up in Saudi Arabia under Sharia law, where women are not considered human beings.
Family members are threatening to "honor" kill her for being non-Muslim, but she refuses to remain silent.
Sandra Solomon has been portrayed by the fake news mainstream media as a
hate monger.Sandra was of victim of rape and other horrible things
while living under 100% sharia laws. Sandra Solomon is a survivor and
she lives to tell her story.
People should be allowed to voice their opinion in a Western society.
Liberals and leftists in the West use the made up term "Islamophobia" to portray anyone who criticizes Islam as a racist.
Terrorists all over the world carry out terror attacks "in the name of Allah".
They justify their violence by quoting verses from the Quran.
Islamophobia is a made up word created specifically to silence debate.
Two polar bears walk past a camera trap in Wapusk National Park. (Douglas Clark), Author provided
Friday, November 23, 2018, 5:19 PM -
North America’s three bear species — black bears, grizzly bears and
polar bears — don’t typically live in the same place. But in Wapusk National Park, on the west coast of Hudson Bay in northern Manitoba, we caught all three bears on camera — for the first time.
TORONTO, Nov 23 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Dozens of indigenous
women were forcibly sterilised by Canadian health authorities, including
as recently as in 2017, said the lawyer leading a class-action lawsuit
against the government.
Alisa Lombard was speaking on Thursday after appearing in Geneva at
the U.N. Committee against Torture during hearings into Canada’s human
rights record.
More than 90 indigenous women in the western province of Saskatchewan
contacted lawyers to join the lawsuit over forced sterilisation, said
Lombard of Maurice Law, the indigenous-run firm spearheading the case.
"This practice needs to stop," she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation, adding that she knew of cases in 2009, 2011 and 2017.
Allen Chau, right, with Casey Prince, the founder of the nonprofit
Ubuntu Football Academy in Cape Town, South Africa, where Mr. Chau was a
coach.CreditSarah Prince/Associated Press
NEW DELHI — John Allen Chau seemed to know that what he was about to do was extremely dangerous.
Chau, an American thought to be in his 20s, was floating in a kayak off
a remote island in the Andaman Sea. He was about to set foot on one of
the most sealed-off parts of India, an island inhabited by a small,
enigmatic and highly isolated tribe whose members have killed outsiders
for simply stepping on their shore.
warned him not to go. Few outsiders had ever been there. And Indian
government regulations clearly prohibited any interaction with people on
the island, called North Sentinel.
Mr. Chau pushed ahead, setting off in his kayak, which he had packed
with a Bible. After that, it is a bit of a mystery what happened.
But the police say one thing is clear: Mr. Chau did not survive.
Wednesday, the Indian authorities said that Mr. Chau had been shot with
bows and arrows by tribesmen when he got on shore and that his body was
still on the island. Fishermen who helped take Mr. Chau to North
Sentinel told the police that they had seen tribesmen dragging his body
on the beach...https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/21/world/asia/american-killed-andaman-island-tribe.html
Related: North Sentinel Island is one of the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal.
Illustrative image of dog poop (C_FOR; iStock by Getty Images)
Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev say they have
conducted a pilot study that showed that raw human excrement can
potentially be converted to a safe, reusable fuel and a nutrient-rich
The discovery addresses two major needs of the developing world:
better sanitation and environmentally friendly fuel for energy, the
researchers said in a statement.
The research was published ahead of World Toilet Day,
which will be marked on November 19. World Toilet Day is a day
designated by the United Nations to bring attention and inspire action
to the global sanitation crisis. Some 4.5 billion people, or some 60
percent of the global population, either have no toilet at home or one
that doesn’t safely manage their excrement, while some 892 million
practice open defecation, according to the UN...https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-researchers-heat-up-human-poop-for-fuel-and-fertilizer/