Saturday, January 27, 2018

'Dangerously out of control dog' which hospitalised a postwoman with bites to leg was a tiny 8in tall chihuahua

A "dangerous dog" that allegedly bit a postwoman was due to be seized by police - until they found it was an eight-inch high chihuahua. Six-year-old Louie was accused of menacing the Royal Mail worker.  Credit: Lucy Young/Evening Standard / eyevin

A “dangerously out of control dog” which hospitalised a postwoman with bites to her leg was a tiny 8in tall chihuahua, a court has heard...

Bald Eagle - twitter

'World's smallest woman' meets 'world's tallest man' for incredible photoshoot in Egypt

The world's tallest man and shortest woman posed together in Egypt
The worlds tallest man and shortest woman have met in Egypt for an incredible photoshoot.

And the difference between them is just astonishing as in one photo Amge looks to be the same size as Kosen's foot.

According to the Guinness World Records, Sultan Kosen, 35, from Turkey is the tallest man on the planet measuring a massive 8ft 1in.

And Jyoti Amge, 24, from India, has been named the shortest woman at just over 2ft tall...Photos,

Friday, January 26, 2018

"Save the Last Dance for Me" by Ben E. King

Fábio Tamura

'We're not going to sit idle': Caribou preservation group forges ahead without Innu Nation

 The George River caribou herd could be wiped out within five years if its current rate of decline continues, says the provincial government. (CBC)
By Bailey White, CBC News

It was heralded as a groundbreaking agreement and a model for Indigenous leadership, but now the Ungava Peninsula Caribou Aboriginal Round Table (UPCART) finds its work imperilled by dispute from within.

UPCART co-chair Adamie Delisle Alaku says Innu Nation's decision to leave the group is "very unfortunate and shows a lack of respect."

Founded in 2013, UPCART was conceived as a coalition of Indigenous groups in Labrador and Quebec who hunt the threatened George River and Leaf River caribou herds...

Putin Invokes “Power Of Christ” As Turkish Forces Begin Syrian Invasion To Destroy US Bases

Russian President Vladimir Putin invokes “Power of Christ” during ancient Epiphany ritual baptism on 19 January 2018 as global war nears

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A fearful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today confirms that President Putin, within the past hour, has joined with over 1.8 million of his fellow Christian-Russian citizens to celebrate the baptism of Jesus Christ on the holiday of the Epiphany by immersing himself in ice-cold water—with his decision being made to perform this ancient “Power of Christ” ritual after confirmation was received that Turkish military forces had begun their invasion of Syria to wipe out the US bases there creating a “terror army”—and who upon this invasion, Turkish Defence Minister Nurettin Canikli grimly intoned: The operation has actually started de facto with cross-border shelling.  When I say ‘de facto’, I don’t want it to be misunderstood.  It has begun.  All terror networks and elements in northern Syria will be eliminated.  There is no other way.”...

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Jimmy Buffett "A Pirate Looks At Forty"


Trey Gowdy Exposes FBI ‘Secret Society’ Plotting Trump Assassination

FBI agents involved in a scandal over anti-Trump text messages referred to a “secret society” on the day after President Trump’s 2016 election win and hinted at plans for a presidential assassination, according to South Caroline Rep. Trey Gowdy...

Also see:
Then-U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas during a bilateral meeting at the Waldorf Astoria in Manhattan on September 19, 2016. . (photo credit: REUTERS/DARREN ORNITZ)

 Kerry to Abbas confidante: 'Stay strong and do not give in to Trump'

...During the conversation, according to the report, Kerry asked Agha to convey a message to Abbas and ask him to “hold on and be strong.” Tell him, he told Agha, “that he should stay strong in his spirit and play for time, that he will not break and will not yield to President [Donald] Trump’s demands.”

According to Kerry, Trump will not remain in office for a long time. It was reported that Kerry said that within a year there was a good chance that Trump would not be in the White House...

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Climate change at Davos: What you need to know

A logo of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is seen stuck on a window at the congress center in the Swiss mountain resort of Davos in 2012. The upcoming WEF will be held from January 20 to 23 (Flickr/ WEF)

 The global elite gathers at the World Economic Forum for a four-day summit – and energy transition is high up the agenda...

Related: 1. A Thousand Private Jets Deliver Globalist Elite to Davos for Climate Change Summit
              2.  Globalist Davos Summit Buried in Snow as Elites Gather to Discuss Global Warming

Legendary singer, songwriter and performer Neil Diamond today announced his retirement from touring due to his recent diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease

Legendary singer, songwriter and performer Neil Diamond today announced his retirement from touring due to his recent diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. The onset of the disease has made it difficult to travel and perform on a large scale basis but will allow Mr. Diamond to continue his writing, recording and development of new projects. Based on his doctors’ advice, the third leg of Diamond’s 50th Anniversary tour, set to land in Australia and New Zealand this March, has been cancelled.

“It is with great reluctance and disappointment that I announce my retirement from concert touring. I have been so honored to bring my shows to the public for the past 50 years,” said Neil Diamond.”My sincerest apologies to everyone who purchased tickets and were planning to come to the upcoming shows.

I plan to remain active in writing, recording and other projects for a long time to come...

Kathleen Mosley

Is the Clock Ticking Toward Doomsday?

On January 26, 2017, the Doomsday Clock inched 30 seconds closer to midnight. Carolyn Kaster /Associated Press
Each January, the science and security board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists unveils an estimate of the likelihood that humanity will self-destruct. They do so by marking the time on a metaphorical “Doomsday Clock,” on which midnight represents the apocalypse. In 2017, the clock stood at a frightening two and a half minutes to midnight; this month could easily see the minute hand creep even closer to doom. Is panic warranted? And if so, can we unpack how and why humanity seems destined to cause its own annihilation?

At its start in 1947, the Doomsday Clock was set at seven minutes to midnight. Since then, its minute hand has ticked as far forward as two minutes to midnight in 1953—in the wake of hydrogen bomb tests by both the United States and Soviet Union—and as far back as 17 minutes to the hour at the end of the Cold War in 1991. In January 2017, the Bulletin moved the clock forward by just 30 seconds—from three minutes, where it had rested for two years, to two and a half minutes to midnight. They made this unprecedented move of only a fraction of a minute, they explained, because “as this statement is issued, Donald Trump has been the U.S. President only a matter of days.”...

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

How a literal war would play out between Alberta and Saskatchewan

by Tristin Hopper
 A 2017 training exercise in Wainwright, Alberta. If Alberta forces ever drove east to capture Saskatchewan and neutralize opposition, this is what it would look like. Master Corporal Malcolm Byers

Saskatchewan isn’t a great place to fight a modern guerrilla war
A 1983 Florida State University study identified two key ingredients behind a successful guerrilla campaign: Dense cities and broken, mountainous terrain. Saskatchewan doesn’t have much of either. There’s a popular expression that if a dog runs away in Saskatchewan, you can still see him three days later. Similarly, if a Saskatchewan rebel fighter runs away from your search-and-destroy raid, you can still shoot him three days later. Guerrilla fighters also thrive in dense urban areas. A rebel fighter operating out of, say, Baghdad, can safely hide in a crowded neighbourhood because he knows that an occupying power will be too worried about collateral damage to level the area with air strikes. Saskatchewan, by contrast, has vanishingly few places to hide among civilians. Saskatoon has 50 people per square kilometre, compared to 237 in Calgary and 123 in Edmonton. This means that it’s much easier to vaporize a Saskatchewan rebel headquarters without so much as drawing a noise complaint from their neighbours...


SOMEWHERE U.S.A. from Vitùc on Vimeo.

Facebook admits social media is not always healthy for democracy in most self-critical post yet

Facebook's post today is the most self-critical assessment of the company's impact to date, complete with an admission that its efforts may not be successful. Getty Images
Bloomberg News
Facebook Inc. acknowledged today that social media can have a negative impact on democracies, and that the company has more work to do in order to ensure that the good outweighs the bad.

“From the Arab Spring to robust elections around the globe, social media seemed like a positive,” Katie Harbath, who runs the Facebook team that builds relationships with governments around the world, wrote in a blog post. “The last U.S. presidential campaign changed that, with foreign interference that Facebook should have been quicker to identify, to the rise of ‘fake news’ and echo chambers.”
Misinformation campaigns are not amateur operations. We will always have more work to do...

Monday, January 22, 2018

"Shakin' All Over" by The Guess Who



Canadian Christians rise up against Trudeau’s pro-abortion pledge for summer job grants


OTTAWA, January 11, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government is facing a growing backlash from churches, charities, and religious groups for requiring employers to sign an attestation supporting abortion and transgender rights to receive summer job grants for students.

The Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC) has been “overwhelmed” by calls and emails from members who say they can’t in conscience sign the attestation, says Barry W. Bussey, the association’s director of legal services.

“People are very concerned,” he told LifeSiteNews.

“We have 3,400 members across the country and we have a number of them who rely on the Canada Summer Jobs,” Bussey said, but “in fact, most of them are saying, no, they’re not signing.”
The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada heard from 160 groups, the National Post reported...

Saturday, January 20, 2018

2017 Sony World Photography Best Photos

The Little-Known History of Seafaring Pets

Sailors from the British ship HMS Amethyst playing with Simon. Courtesy Maritime Quest 

It gets hard to tell when you go back that far, but humans—Homo erectus in this case—probably crafted the first seaworthy vessel some 800,000 years ago. Since then, our ability to build boats and take to the seas has been critical to many of the most important human processes, from migration and commerce to exploration and, of course, war. But we did not become a seafaring species alone.

Alongside brave seafaring men—and women, when they were allowed on board—there were often equally courageous pets...

Friday, January 19, 2018

Terrorist Threat on the U.S. Northern Border

By Rachel Ehrenfeld

Has the Islamist influence in the Canadian government become so dominant that the American government should monitor and assess this issue?  Is the penetration of the Canadian political system by the Muslim Brotherhood (and others) so severe that it is becoming a national security threat to the U.S.?  A wall and its northern border?

Prime Minister Trudeau has done himself few favors by telling Canadians and the world that he believes returning ISIS fighters can be rehabilitated into “powerful” voices against radicalism. This despite the absence of a rehab program in Canada.  In Canada’s Parliament, the Prime Minister stated that anyone who opposed the return of ISIS fighters was Islamophobic.  Trudeau also amended the Canadian law that allowed the deportation of terrorists with dual citizenship. Convicted terrorists can now keep their newly acquired Canadian citizenship and remain in Canada after their release.

A team of Canadian experts of Islamist terrorism led by Tom Quiggin, a former Canadian military intelligence officer, and intelligence analyst for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and a court-appointed expert on jihadist terrorism, have documented the development and advance of Political Islamist groups in Canada in a the new book: SUBMISSION: The Danger of Political Islam to Canada (With a Warning to America)....

U.S. to convert existing Jerusalem facility into embassy for 2019 opening

  A general view of Jerusalem's old city shows the Dome of the Rock in the compound known to Muslims as Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as Temple Mount, October 25, 2015. (photo credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN) 
 WASHINGTON — The Trump administration plans to retrofit an existing facility in Jerusalem into an embassy with the goal of moving its staff there from Tel Aviv in 2019, US officials said on Thursday...

Lindi Ortega - Cigarettes & Truckstops (Official Video)


Deadliest cat on Earth - Big Cats: Preview - BBC One

Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Walled City of Kowloon or the City of Darkness

City of Darkness, one the most crowded housing spaces in the history of urban development (or it's absence).

 Built on a measly 126 x 213 meter piece of land, it was one of the territories that Great Britain had allowed China to keep, within Hong Kong. This awkward territorial configuration is one of the main factors that made the city what it came to be...Photos:

Great Black and White Photographs from the Masters of Photography

 A World class portal dedicated for arts & photography. The Prime objective of 121clicks has always been to produce wonderful articles related to arts and to host some phenomenal talents across the globe. The Articles here are to serve a purpose of inspiration and guide anyone who would aspire to be a better artist or photographer.
Numerous showcases & ingenious words through interviews here, would serve as a remarkable study material for any such. We promise to improve and will continue to inspire you through some great content.
                                                               Photo By: Henri Cartier Bresson

The Highly-Anticipated 2017 Fake News Awards

Happy Hippo Banana Boat Song (Harry Belafonte)


romantic love

American marines singing "Days of Elijah"


Alex Seraia

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

"Walk A Mile In My Shoes" Joe South


Sizable condor bird chasing a wolf.

All First Nations crossed by Trans Mountain pipeline route in support of project: Kinder Morgan

By Deborah Jaremko

Since federal approval was granted in late November, twelve new Aboriginal communities have affirmed their support for the proposed Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion, says Kinder Morgan Canada.

There are now 51 Aboriginal communities that have signed mutual benefit agreements with the project valued at more than $400 million.
This includes all of the First Nations whose reserves the pipeline crosses and about 80 percent of communities within proximity to the pipeline right-of-way, the company says. The 51 agreements include 10 in Alberta and 41 in B.C.

Kinder Morgan Canada president Ian Anderson said in a statement that the company has "worked very hard to establish a relationship built on respect, trust and openness."...All First Nations crossed by Trans Mountain pipeline route in support of project: Kinder Morgan

Baby Animals

The Horse Came Back: Overwhelmed owners find a new home and an old owner for their horse Chief

by Caroline Connolly 
 Kelly Campbell, whose late father once owned the horse, is reunited with Chief. Mud River Photography / Swerve...

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

"We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place" by The Animals



What is Transhumanism?

BY Darrin Geisinger 

The title of this year’s True Legends Conference is Transhumanism and the Hybrid Age. For the followers of Steve Quayle, Timothy Alberino and Tom Horn, these might be familiar terms, but the critical importance of the topic deserves a clear understanding by all. So what exactly is transhumanism? And for that matter, what is a hybrid?

Transhumanism is defined as “the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology.” Of course, this sounds noble. Who among us does not want to move toward the goal of eliminating human pain with ever increasing enlightenment? But transhumanism is much more than that. With the unending surge in biological know-how, we now have the ability to redefine what is means to be human. Through tools like artificial intelligence, robotics and especially genetics, science is playing a very high-stakes game in the homo sapien sandbox. The fallout of this game will hurtle forever forward for all future generations...

CRISPR: A game-changing genetic engineering technique

What is CRISPR

CRISPR is an acronym for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat. This name refers to the unique organization of short, partially palindromic repeated DNA sequences found in the genomes of bacteria and other microorganisms. While seemingly innocuous, CRISPR sequences are a crucial component of the immune systems [3] of these simple life forms. The immune system is responsible for protecting an organism’s health and well-being. Just like us, bacterial cells can be invaded by viruses, which are small, infectious agents. If a viral infection threatens a bacterial cell, the CRISPR immune system can thwart the attack by destroying the genome of the invading virus [4]. The genome of the virus includes genetic material that is necessary for the virus to continue replicating. Thus, by destroying the viral genome, the CRISPR immune system protects bacteria from ongoing viral infection...

Secret of ETERNAL LIFE? We will know what it is by 2029, says Google chief


Google hopes to make people immortal. GETTY

THE process of achieving immortality will begin by 2029 when nano-bots are created that can swim through our bodies to fight disease, a high ranking Google executive has said...

Monday, January 15, 2018

Martin Luther King, Jr. I Have A Dream Speech


Ilya Gokadze

Extreme cold warning issued for Saskatoon, again

Saskatoon StarPhoenix
Tom Wolf takes his dog out for a unicycle ride along Saskatchewan Crescent East in Saskatoon on January 14, 2018. Wolf cycles to work and back every day, even in the winter, saying he enjoys the cold and that the unicycle provides him more of a workout. Michelle Berg / Saskatoon StarPhoenix
Another Arctic ridge of high pressure building into Saskatchewan means Saskatoon is in for more extreme wind chills.

Environment Canada issued an extreme cold warning for Saskatoon on Sunday afternoon, warning of wind chill values of -40 C overnight and into Monday morning...

"A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall" by Bryan Ferry

Bryan Ferry

A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son?
And where have you been my darling young one?
I've stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains
I've walked and I've crawled on six crooked highways
I've stepped in the middle of seven sad forests
I've been out in front of a dozen dead oceans
I've been ten thousand miles in the mouth of a graveyard
And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, and it's a hard
It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall...

Pleasant Cat on a cold snowy day in Hallstatt, Austria

Blue Jays sign star Donaldson to one-year, $23-million deal

by Melissa Couto and Josh Clipperton, Waterloo Region Record

 Josh Donaldson and the Blue Jays avoided arbitration Friday by agreeing on a $23-million US, one-year contact — the largest one-year deal for an arbitration-eligible player in Major League Baseball history. - Associated Press File Photo 

Toronto Blue Jays general manager Ross Atkins didn't see a problem giving all-star third baseman Josh Donaldson a hefty raise for the upcoming season.

Donaldson and the Blue Jays avoided arbitration Friday by agreeing on a $23-million US, one-year contact — the largest one-year deal for an arbitration-eligible player in Major League Baseball history.

"We didn't by any means break the record, Josh did. Josh broke the record with his performance and quite frankly blew it out of the water," Atkins said on a conference call. "We knew that was going to happen. It was just a matter of how much and if we could align in value and we're very pleased that we did."

The contract gives Donaldson a $6-million raise while also making the 2015 American League MVP the highest paid player on the Jays' roster...

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Sahara Desert covered in 15 inches of SNOW as freak weather blankets sand dunes

Snow has covered the Sahara Desert in Ain Sefra, Algeria 
Karim Bouchetata•Geoff Robinson

More than 15 inches (40cm) has blanketed sand dunes across the small town of Ain Sefra, Algeria.
It is the second time snow has hit in nearly 40 years, with a dusting also recorded in December 2016.
But this snowfall which hit yesterday, is much deeper than the fleeting shower little more than a year ago.

Locals, who endure temperatures of 37C in summer, were stunned as dense snow settled on the town, known as ‘the gateway to the desert’...