Pikachu Army marches into the Motherland
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
It's not just a chant. It's a rally cry. ''Let's Go Blue Jays!''
It's not just a chant. It's a rally cry. 🇨🇦 pic.twitter.com/he095MXDGW— Toronto Blue Jays (@BlueJays) March 12, 2018
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Is this the most Canadian music video EVER?
Published on June 25th, 2018 |
by Alan Cross
Ancient Engines, an indie band from Kelowna, BC, wanted to make a real Canadian statement with the video for their new song, Gordiebrook. That made sense, given that it was inspired by the cancer death of Gord Downie.
Called “Gordiebrook,” the video–well, just watch. It doesn’t get much more Canadian than this. Read more at Kelowna Now....http://ajournalofmusicalthings.com/is-this-the-most-canadian-music-video-ever-maybe/
Catch of the year
Shut it down. Ladies and gents, we have your catch of the year. #WOW pic.twitter.com/Fwvfr0rvMi— Toronto Blue Jays (@BlueJays) June 26, 2018
Monday, June 25, 2018
'Piggy yoga' helps B.C. farm raise funds to cover vet bills
Canadian Press
Paradox Delilah, front left, participates in a yoga session with pigs during a charity fundraiser at The Happy Herd Farm Sanctuary, in Aldergrove, B.C., on Sunday June 24, 2018. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck)
ALDERGROVE, B.C. — Yoga practitioners in Aldergrove, B.C., had some unlikely company during a string of sessions on Sunday.
Five pigs, a chihuahua and turkey wandered between mats, with one pig taking a bite out of a mat and others flopping down for some belly rubs.
Diane Marsh, co-founder of Happy Herd Farm Sanctuary, says they organized the “piggy yoga” as a fundraiser for the sanctuary, which is facing a few large veterinary bills for some of its ill animals...http://thestarphoenix.com/life/living/piggy-yoga-helps-b-c-farm-raise-funds-to-cover-vet-bills/wcm/0b186051-2d2a-4287-8e5d-107736291216
Paradox Delilah, front left, participates in a yoga session with pigs during a charity fundraiser at The Happy Herd Farm Sanctuary, in Aldergrove, B.C., on Sunday June 24, 2018. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck)
ALDERGROVE, B.C. — Yoga practitioners in Aldergrove, B.C., had some unlikely company during a string of sessions on Sunday.
Five pigs, a chihuahua and turkey wandered between mats, with one pig taking a bite out of a mat and others flopping down for some belly rubs.
Diane Marsh, co-founder of Happy Herd Farm Sanctuary, says they organized the “piggy yoga” as a fundraiser for the sanctuary, which is facing a few large veterinary bills for some of its ill animals...http://thestarphoenix.com/life/living/piggy-yoga-helps-b-c-farm-raise-funds-to-cover-vet-bills/wcm/0b186051-2d2a-4287-8e5d-107736291216
The media hasn’t told you the truth about the Gaza border
By Avi Abelow
What’s happening on the Gaza border is TERRIBLE! And no, it’s not
because of what the media tells you that Israel is doing. It’s because
Hamas is trying to destroy Israel! They have been sending fire kites and
explosives to harm Israelis and Israeli land. Did you hear about that
in the Media? Probably not...https://israelunwired.com/the-media-hasnt-told-you-the-truth-about-the-gaza-border/
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Zsa Zsa the English bulldog has been named the 'World's Ugliest Dog'
On Saturday, the 9-year-old English bulldog was named the winner of the
"World's Ugliest Dog" contest at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma,
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Steve Pearce's home run
You can't teach CLUTCH. #LetsGoBlueJays pic.twitter.com/G6B2fAWNkb— Toronto Blue Jays (@BlueJays) June 24, 2018
Living the dream
Living the dream 🐶 pic.twitter.com/dMVUStWQXc— Nature is Amazing 🌴 (@AMAZlNGNATURE) June 22, 2018
A tribute to Charles Krauthammer
krauthammer 248.88.
(photo credit: )
Dr. Charles Krauthammer, perhaps the most luminous and incisive
columnist of this generation, announced two weeks ago that he was
stricken with terminal cancer and had only weeks to live. I feel an
obligation to pay homage to this incredible man, and to add a Jewish,
Zionist and personal angle to the many tributes to him that have
rightly poured forth.
For 38 years, Krauthammer’s columns, essays, and lectures have stood as pillars of conservative principle and moral clarity...https://www.jpost.com//Opinion/A-tribute-to-Charles-Krauthammer-560590
For 38 years, Krauthammer’s columns, essays, and lectures have stood as pillars of conservative principle and moral clarity...https://www.jpost.com//Opinion/A-tribute-to-Charles-Krauthammer-560590
Friday, June 22, 2018
US President Donald Trump set to meet The Queen
Andrew Koubaridis
It’s believed The Queen will meet Mr Trump at Windsor Castle. Source:AFP
Mr Trump is believed to be heading to the United Kingdom on July 13, a day after he is scheduled to be in Brussels to meet NATO leaders. The date with the Queen is expected to be at Windsor Castle - where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle married - which is closed to the public on that day.
But it is the days leading up to the visit and the ones after that diplomats and UK government figures are worrying about.
Late Thursday it emerged Mr Trump was preparing to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin at this time - a move many fear shows his disregard for NATO allies and has them again questioning his commitment to Europe.
The Times reported senior British officials were appalled...https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/royals/us-president-donald-trump-set-to-meet-the-queen-at-windsor-castle/news-story/a45d099261114fea3889a84bdca207b5
Complete coverage: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b&q=US+President+Donald+Trump+set+to+meet+The+Queen&tbm=nws&source=univ&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj2_r-uyufbAhUCAnwKHXA1DNUQt8YBCDkoAQ&biw=1150&bih=631
It’s believed The Queen will meet Mr Trump at Windsor Castle. Source:AFP
US President Donald Trump is set to meet The
Queen in what is shaping up to be another dramatic few days on the
international stage.
Mr Trump is believed to be heading to the United Kingdom on July 13, a day after he is scheduled to be in Brussels to meet NATO leaders. The date with the Queen is expected to be at Windsor Castle - where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle married - which is closed to the public on that day.
But it is the days leading up to the visit and the ones after that diplomats and UK government figures are worrying about.
Late Thursday it emerged Mr Trump was preparing to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin at this time - a move many fear shows his disregard for NATO allies and has them again questioning his commitment to Europe.
The Times reported senior British officials were appalled...https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/royals/us-president-donald-trump-set-to-meet-the-queen-at-windsor-castle/news-story/a45d099261114fea3889a84bdca207b5
Complete coverage: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b&q=US+President+Donald+Trump+set+to+meet+The+Queen&tbm=nws&source=univ&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj2_r-uyufbAhUCAnwKHXA1DNUQt8YBCDkoAQ&biw=1150&bih=631
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Koko The Gorilla Dies; Redrew The Lines Of Animal-Human Communication
Koko, the gorilla who became an ambassador to the human
world through her ability to communicate, has died. She's seen here at
age 4, telling psychologist Francine "Penny" Patterson (left) that she
is hungry. In the center is June Monroe, an interpreter for the deaf at
St. Luke's Church, who helped teach Koko.
"The Gorilla Foundation is sad to announce the passing of our beloved
Koko," the research center says, informing the world about the death of
a gorilla who fascinated and elated millions of people with her
facility for language.
Koko, who was 46, died in her sleep Tuesday morning, the Gorilla Foundation said. At birth, she was named Hanabi-ko — Japanese for "fireworks child," because she was born at the San Francisco Zoo on the Fourth of July in 1971. She was a western lowland gorilla.
"Her impact has been profound and what she has taught us about the emotional capacity of gorillas and their cognitive abilities will continue to shape the world," the Gorilla Foundation said....https://www.npr.org/2018/06/21/622160278/koko-the-gorilla-dies-redrew-the-lines-of-animal-human-communication
Koko, who was 46, died in her sleep Tuesday morning, the Gorilla Foundation said. At birth, she was named Hanabi-ko — Japanese for "fireworks child," because she was born at the San Francisco Zoo on the Fourth of July in 1971. She was a western lowland gorilla.
"Her impact has been profound and what she has taught us about the emotional capacity of gorillas and their cognitive abilities will continue to shape the world," the Gorilla Foundation said....https://www.npr.org/2018/06/21/622160278/koko-the-gorilla-dies-redrew-the-lines-of-animal-human-communication
Also see...
Koko the Gorilla on twitter
Magpie takes donations for local bird refuge...
Magpie takes donations for local bird refuge.... pic.twitter.com/OGyCgZ1qmR— Gaml .y (@m_yosry2012) June 21, 2018
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Nikki Haley Blasts the UN for Anti-Israel Vote and Spearheads Unheard of Change in Voting for Israel
By Avi Abelow
Once again the United Nations General Assembly voted on a one-sided
anti-Israel resolution. US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley blasted the
member nations for ignoring true calamities around the world and for
ignoring the role of Hamas in the Gaza situation...https://israelunwired.com/nikki-haley-blasts-the-un-for-anti-israel-vote/
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
The Shape Of Water – Satanic Nephilim Deception
By Beginning and End
The Shape of Water was the most heralded, award-winning film of 2017, winning a slew of accolades including 13 Oscar nominations and 4 Oscar awards – among them Best Director and Best Film. The movie – which centers on a romance between a reptilian-human hybrid creature and a woman, has been a runway hit despite its bizarre premise and graphic depiction of interspecies intimacy. Based on the explanation of the film from writer and director Guillermo Del Toro whose prior films have invoked numerous references to Satan and the occult, the movie makes many subtle Biblical allusions. Most notably, the account of Genesis 6 when fallen angels took human women as wives and gave birth to the Nephilim...http://beginningandend.com/the-shape-of-water-satanic-nephilim-deception/
See also: Judgment of the Nephilim
“…the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose..” – Genesis 6:2.
The Shape of Water was the most heralded, award-winning film of 2017, winning a slew of accolades including 13 Oscar nominations and 4 Oscar awards – among them Best Director and Best Film. The movie – which centers on a romance between a reptilian-human hybrid creature and a woman, has been a runway hit despite its bizarre premise and graphic depiction of interspecies intimacy. Based on the explanation of the film from writer and director Guillermo Del Toro whose prior films have invoked numerous references to Satan and the occult, the movie makes many subtle Biblical allusions. Most notably, the account of Genesis 6 when fallen angels took human women as wives and gave birth to the Nephilim...http://beginningandend.com/the-shape-of-water-satanic-nephilim-deception/
See also: Judgment of the Nephilim
Monday, June 11, 2018
Good man! #FeedTheWhales
🆘‼😲🐳 #Argentina: One of those days when you have no chance, because two killer whales on the beach of #Patagonia cross your path. RIP pic.twitter.com/V3dSdx5pfs— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) June 11, 2018
Something Unprecedented Is Happening at Bilderberg 2018
by Nwomaster
They are building up for war. The 'burgers, the G7, and NATO defense ministers are all meeting over the same time frame.
Meetings focusing on Russia increased NATO presence in Europe. Chair of NATO is also attending the Bilderberg meeting...
Huge convergence of high officials everywhere in multiple, simultaneous meetings and an unusually large number of big players attending, politicians, bankers, military, deep state. Unprecedented...https://www.disclose.tv/something-unprecedented-is-happening-at-bilderberg-2018-336280
Also see:
AP Photo
They are building up for war. The 'burgers, the G7, and NATO defense ministers are all meeting over the same time frame.
Meetings focusing on Russia increased NATO presence in Europe. Chair of NATO is also attending the Bilderberg meeting...
Huge convergence of high officials everywhere in multiple, simultaneous meetings and an unusually large number of big players attending, politicians, bankers, military, deep state. Unprecedented...https://www.disclose.tv/something-unprecedented-is-happening-at-bilderberg-2018-336280
Also see:
Bilderberg Group: Elite Club or Secretive World Government?
The Eye of Horus (The Egyptian Eye) and Its Meaning
The Eye of Horus is one of several ancient Egyptian symbols instantly
recognizable as originating from that advanced civilization which has
left the world so many wonders of architecture and learning. The
hieroglyphic is named for the god, Horus, one of their most powerful and
dominant deitie...http://mythologian.net/eye-horus-egyptian-eye-meaning/
American Indian Veterans Honored in D-Day Memorial Events in France for Service
by Native News Online Staff
Opening Ceremony to honor American Indians for their service on June 6, 1944 at Normandy on D-Day during World War II.
OMAHA BEACH, France — In the first week of June this year, there were seven memorial events within France which marked the first anniversary of “Charles Shay Indian Memorial Park” on the shore of Omaha beach.
France welcomed with respect and honored our Native American Veterans and community members from around the United States, as they gathered to support 93-year-old Charles Norman Shay, a Penobscot Tribal elder and hero, who landed with the Big Red One Army 1st Division. Shay, who was a medic, was on the first wave to land on Omaha Beach, June 6th, 1944. He then went on to serve in Korea, was a POW, and then finished his service to our country.
One ceremony, which fell on June 5, 2018, remembered all the contributions of Native soldiers who gave their all on D-Day, June 6, 1944. Over 500 American Indian served during the World War II campaign...https://nativenewsonline.net/currents/american-indian-veterans-honored-in-d-day-memorial-events-in-france-for-service/
Opening Ceremony to honor American Indians for their service on June 6, 1944 at Normandy on D-Day during World War II.
OMAHA BEACH, France — In the first week of June this year, there were seven memorial events within France which marked the first anniversary of “Charles Shay Indian Memorial Park” on the shore of Omaha beach.
France welcomed with respect and honored our Native American Veterans and community members from around the United States, as they gathered to support 93-year-old Charles Norman Shay, a Penobscot Tribal elder and hero, who landed with the Big Red One Army 1st Division. Shay, who was a medic, was on the first wave to land on Omaha Beach, June 6th, 1944. He then went on to serve in Korea, was a POW, and then finished his service to our country.
One ceremony, which fell on June 5, 2018, remembered all the contributions of Native soldiers who gave their all on D-Day, June 6, 1944. Over 500 American Indian served during the World War II campaign...https://nativenewsonline.net/currents/american-indian-veterans-honored-in-d-day-memorial-events-in-france-for-service/
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Online oldies radio station brings Canadian classics to the Okanagan
Jodi Brak
A new online radio station has launched in B.C., providing listeners with rare and unique content from classic Canadian music acts and hidden gems of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s...https://www.pentictonwesternnews.com/entertainment/online-oldies-radio-station-brings-canadian-classics-to-the-okanagan/
A new online radio station has launched in B.C., providing listeners with rare and unique content from classic Canadian music acts and hidden gems of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s...https://www.pentictonwesternnews.com/entertainment/online-oldies-radio-station-brings-canadian-classics-to-the-okanagan/
Dusty Discs Radio Music and Memories from the 60s, 70s and 80s.
The Brits are openly defying police officers.
The Brits are getting #WOKE #Protestors raised hell today in #TrafalgarSquare, UK. 100s of #TommyRobinson Supporters chasing and openly defying police officers. If you have connections to send #BIBLES to the UK, I’ll work in getting correct addresses.— ANGIE💋Real Based Blonde (@REALBASEDBLONDE) June 9, 2018
Saturday, June 9, 2018
American Indian Walkers Braved Light Rain to Demonstrate Their Commitment to Sobriety
Elders joined the young to make a stand for sobriety among Grand Rapids American Indian community.
GRAND RAPIDS — Some two dozen American Indians and non-Native supporters braved light rain on Saturday morning, June 9, 2018, to participate in the 23rd Annual Native American Sobriety Walk along the Grand River in Grand Rapids, Michigan from Canal Park to Riverside Park where the 39th Homecoming of the Three Fires Powwow is being held this weekend.
The walk was started in 1995 to bring attention to the devastating effects alcohol and drugs have on the local Grand Rapids American Indian community and for participants to declare their sobriety.
The 23rd Annual Native American Sobriety Walk was sponsored by the Anishinaabe Circle...https://nativenewsonline.net/currents/american-indian-walkers-braved-light-rain-to-demonstrate-their-commitment-to-sobriety/
Friday, June 8, 2018
Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservatives win majority government
Andrew Russell
After a historic defeat to the Ontario Liberal Party, Kathleen Wynne announced she's resigning as the head of the party...https://globalnews.ca/news/4260276/ontario-election-2018-kathleen-wynne-liberal-party-campaign-2/?utm_source=%40globalnews&utm_medium=Twitter
After a historic defeat to the Ontario Liberal Party, Kathleen Wynne announced she's resigning as the head of the party...https://globalnews.ca/news/4260276/ontario-election-2018-kathleen-wynne-liberal-party-campaign-2/?utm_source=%40globalnews&utm_medium=Twitter
How Photographing Alberta’s Wild Horses Changed My Life
By Julie Birch
Wild horses for the soul
I enjoy photographing everything in nature, but wild horses are my passion. I first heard about Alberta’s wild horses 20 years ago. Ever since, I had wanted to see and photograph them. A friend of mine, who loves and advocates for “wildies,” heard about my wish and in March 2017, I was fortunate enough to be able to accompany him to see the wild horses in the Williams Creek area of Alberta. It was an incredible experience.We saw more than 100 horses—I was in heaven. We spent a day there on our first visit, and have been back to the same area three more times since then...http://www.readersdigest.ca/travel/canada/photographing-wild-horses/?_cmp=OurCanada-CEM&_ebid=OurCanada-CEM672018&_mid=221289&ehid=E7EBF48E26DE0A6FA55A56B74D84792B5AD69129
Thursday, June 7, 2018
What is depression and why is it rising?
by Juliette Jowit
Depressed people don’t all shuffle around with a long face, or cry at any provocation. MentalHealth.gov, a US government website, defines it as “losing interest in important parts of life”. Symptoms include eating or sleeping too much or too little; pulling away from people and usual activities; having low or no energy; feeling numb or like nothing matters; feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried or scared; and thinking of harming yourself or others.
A visceral description is quoted by the UK campaign group Mind: “It starts as sadness, then I feel myself shutting down, becoming less capable of coping. Eventually, I just feel numb and empty.”
Depressionis also often mixed with other health problems: long-term illness, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder or schizophrenia, for example...https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/jun/04/what-is-depression-and-why-is-it-rising
by Juliette Jowit
Depressed people don’t all shuffle around with a long face, or cry at any provocation. MentalHealth.gov, a US government website, defines it as “losing interest in important parts of life”. Symptoms include eating or sleeping too much or too little; pulling away from people and usual activities; having low or no energy; feeling numb or like nothing matters; feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried or scared; and thinking of harming yourself or others.
A visceral description is quoted by the UK campaign group Mind: “It starts as sadness, then I feel myself shutting down, becoming less capable of coping. Eventually, I just feel numb and empty.”
Depressionis also often mixed with other health problems: long-term illness, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder or schizophrenia, for example...https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/jun/04/what-is-depression-and-why-is-it-rising
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Israeli official: European leaders agree Iran troops must be removed from Syria
British Prime Minister Theresa May (R) poses for photographs with
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu inside 10 Downing Street in
London on June 6, 2018, at the beginning of their meeting. (AFP PHOTO /
A senior diplomatic official on Wednesday told Israeli reporters the leaders of France, Britain, and Germany have reached a “general agreement” regarding the removal of Iranian forces from Syria.
Speaking as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was wrapping up a diplomatic trip to Berlin, Paris, and London, the official said there was “widespread agreement” among the three leaders — German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, and British Prime Minister Theresa May — that Iranian troops must be entirely removed from the war-torn country...https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-official-european-leaders-agree-iran-troops-must-be-removed-from-syria/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
Also see..Iran: The Hollowing-Out of the Regime
A senior diplomatic official on Wednesday told Israeli reporters the leaders of France, Britain, and Germany have reached a “general agreement” regarding the removal of Iranian forces from Syria.
Speaking as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was wrapping up a diplomatic trip to Berlin, Paris, and London, the official said there was “widespread agreement” among the three leaders — German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, and British Prime Minister Theresa May — that Iranian troops must be entirely removed from the war-torn country...https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-official-european-leaders-agree-iran-troops-must-be-removed-from-syria/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
Also see..Iran: The Hollowing-Out of the Regime
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Israeli jets & helicopters strike 25 ‘Hamas military targets’ in Gaza
FILE PHOTO: An Israeli F-15I fighter jet © Nir Elias / Reuters
“IDF forces attacked 25 terrorist targets of the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip,” Israeli military said in a statement on Tuesday evening. The list of targets included alleged facilities manufacturing rocket launchers, rocket engines and advanced naval weapons, the IDF said. In addition, the Israeli forces targeted military compounds and training camps...https://www.rt.com/news/428171-israel-gaza-border-strikes/
The Israeli Air Force has struck at least 25 more targets in
Gaza strip in retaliation to the cross-border fire and shelling by Hamas
which targeted Israeli border communities throughout the day.
“IDF forces attacked 25 terrorist targets of the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip,” Israeli military said in a statement on Tuesday evening. The list of targets included alleged facilities manufacturing rocket launchers, rocket engines and advanced naval weapons, the IDF said. In addition, the Israeli forces targeted military compounds and training camps...https://www.rt.com/news/428171-israel-gaza-border-strikes/
Monday, June 4, 2018
World’s first global vaccine for Lyme disease developed as disease spreads across Britain
A drugs company is on course to develop the first global vaccine against the disease, which could be up to 96 per cent effective and would be available on the NHS for adults and children as young as two.
The development comes as new Government data shows that the tick that carries the disease has been found in twice as many areas of the UK as it was a decade ago....https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/05/26/worlds-first-global-vaccine-lyme-disease-developed-disease-spreads/
Guatemala's most violent volcano eruption in more than a century
People flee rock, gas and ash clouds during Guatemala's most violent volcano eruption in more than a century pic.twitter.com/L0QRt4n7Kq— Sky News (@SkyNews) June 4, 2018
It’s spring cleaning time for Blogger
To make room for some exciting updates coming soon to Blogger, we’re
simplifying the platform to enhance the blogging experience for all of
our users.
Changes to existing features in Blogger (rolling out over the next few months): https://blogger.googleblog.com/2018/05/its-spring-cleaning-time-for-blogger.html
Changes to existing features in Blogger (rolling out over the next few months): https://blogger.googleblog.com/2018/05/its-spring-cleaning-time-for-blogger.html
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By Bill Sanderson Saudi Arabia's King Salman (right) and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef walk to greet President Obama in Riy...
When you lied on your CV about having previous sheepdog experience. pic.twitter.com/I8A5L5b3DT — Paul Bronks (@BoringEnormous) March 26, ...