Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Three Muslim Gunmen Shoot-Up Canadian Night Club in Calgary

Three Muslims have been arrested for shooting-up a night club in Calgary, Alberta CANADA.
Spencer Wallace is a bouncer at the bar and was standing mere feet away from the gunman.

"Out of nowhere, we had a little bit of a break in people coming in and I'm standing right by the front door. If I'd been standing two feet in front of where I was standing, I could have been shot, I could have been killed today," said Wallace.

"I turned and I see the guy catch it right in the chest. He drops."

According to Wallace, one shot entered the bar and the shooter squeezed off two more while wrestling with front door staff, but police say several shots were fired into the club.

"Two bouncers that work out front, I'm not going to name them, but they grabbed this guy immediately," he said. "They pounced on him. Those guys are heroes and they deserve nothing but praise, they stopped this from being so much worse."...Continue reading...

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