April 13, 2011 "Since the uprising in Egypt and the fall of Mubarak I, along with many others have been saying that the time is ripe for the Palestinians to show the world that they were ready to govern; and they may ask the U.N. for recognition of statehood.
For those of us who read the news out of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, it appears more and more that this question of statehood will be coming to fruition in September.
It's not that surprising that the media here in the west isn't covering more of this story when it can be found in publications throughout Europe, but it's another thing when you see it being reported by China.
Just the other day I ran across a story on news.xinhuanet.com, a Chinese news website. The story was titled "France to recognize Palestinian state in September: official..." continue reading Makes one wonder when the UN will enforce no fly zone over Gaza : Arab League calls for no fly zone over Gaza
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