Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wait 'til al-Qaida gets hold of some bugs! Researcher warns of very real threat to economy, lives from biological weapons

By Bob Unruh:  A new doctoral dissertation is raising a warning flag about the possibility that a rogue terrorist or "lone wolf" radical could travel across the United States depositing traces of a new species of plant or bacterial life at key locations and be back in his home country before the indigenous plants, animals and even humans started to collapse and die.
The warning takes the idea of a biological weapon, which most would think to be anthrax or something, to a whole new level.
"[A biological weapon] infects damage silently; as opposed to the blast of a nuclear bomb. BW does not need a bomb to disperse the agent. Rather, an aerosol mist of BW agent can be released by airplane crop duster, spray tank on a jet, liquid culture poured into a water source, or even sprayed as a cloud from an offshore ship," writes Lawrence F. Robert, a 2005 Connecticut Professor of the Year while he was at Goodwin College...Continue reading

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