Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Barack Hussein Obama, The Muslim President - Canada Free Press

By Obie Usategui

...While the domestic landscape seems to be filled with all kinds of controversial issues, on the international front, the Obama administration has really lowered the bar to yet unspeakable new lows. Since he first took the office of the presidency, Obama has shown an uncanny passion for pandering with the enemy as well as a craving for alienating our allies.  The Muslim in him, continues to rear its ugly head over and over again, thus, his being the first president to send $200 million to a terrorist organization (Hamas) after Congress had explicitly frozen the money for fear it would fund attacks against civilians.   Day in and day out, Obama’s doctrine of pacifism continues to be tested by all who smell the man’s vulnerability to capitulate when confronted – a realization which has all but earned us the mockery of our most execrated adversaries.
   Just as I thought I had seen it all, when I first heard, on December 17th, 2014,  about Obama’s conspiracy with none other than Pope Francis, the head of the largest Christian church in the world, of their approving intent to thaw the 50-year plus frozen relationship between the U.S. and the  communist island of Cuba and its ruthless dictators, Fidel and Raul Castro, followed by a most recent harmonious exchange of embassies of both countries,  just then and there,  I realized this had to top one of Obama’s most disgraceful political ploys ever as the S.O.B., dared to shake  the bloodied hands of two of the world’s most renown assassins.  But I was wrong. Boy, was I wrong.
   Just as soon as I thought I had seen it all, just as soon as I realized I had not - incredibly as that may appear.  Matter of fact, all I had seen up to now, seemed to pale next to Obama’s most pejorative act yet, bar none, when I learned about our preposterous nuclear treaty with Iran - a nuclear treaty with a country that on the day following the announcement of the agreement, pompously showed crowds chanting “death to America”.  Well done, Mr. President.  But, then again, what could we all expect when negotiations for this repugnant treaty were carried out by this administration’s most flagrant idiot, as is John Kerry...(Read Full Article)

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