Tim Ball;
I am proud to be the Canadian representative for the climate exit
(CLEXIT) movement. Canada has more culpability than any other nation in
creating and perpetuating the deception. It is not hyperbole to say that
Canada was central to creating and mobilizing the false claim of
anthropogenic global warming (AGW). The idea that humans were causing
runaway global warming originated with the Club of Rome. Formed in 1968
by David Rockefeller, it expanded on the Malthusian idea that the
population would outgrow the food supply. The expansion was that world
population would outgrow all resources. They made three major
The demand for resources would increase every year because the population is increasing every year.
Developed nations increase the demand by using resources at a much greater rate than developing nations.
More nations are changing from developing to developed and accelerating demand.
They produced a few books and reports to substantiate the claims about population and demand. Paul Ehrlich’s 1968
The Population Bomb garnered enormous attention. Less well read but still influential was the 1972 book
Limits to Growth by
Meadows et al. It used a very primitive computer program that started
with two components. The known volume of a resource and the current rate
of use. Then, using a simple linear trend, it projected the point at
which the resource would run out. It also projected the point at which
the volume of the resource use peaked. Another book published in 1977,
Ecoscience, Population, Resources, and Environment, influenced policy
for a long time because of Paul Ehrlich’s co-author John Holdren. He
later became Science Advisor in the Obama White House...
...The bureaucrats at Environment Canada became a major force nationally
and internationally in promoting and perpetuating the deception. The
government of Canada must use them to take the lead in a return to
sanity. It is time to shut them down and CLEXIT from the fiasco,
deception, and devastating costs in lost opportunities. It is guaranteed
to create bad science when you have scientific bureaucrats. If the
evidence shows what thy told politicians were the case, they are not
going to risk their job by admitting they got it wrong. As Upton
Sinclair said,
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”
The only role of EC should involve as much data collection as possible made available to anybody who needs it.