Wednesday, August 28, 2013
This Is Why Quebec Must Remove Religion from the Public Sphere. The Huffington Post
They will be there, Allah's soldiers. They will visit us, the Islamic fanatics. We, the lost ones of the West, need their blessing. Upon invitation from the Collectif Indépendence, sponsored by the charitable organization HCI (Human Concern International), they will come from Europe to save us from hell. They want to cleanse us of our sacrileges. They want to show us the right path, we the perverts, the debauched, the libertines, the egotists, the impious, the miscreants. They will preach on September 7th and 8th at the Palais des congrès in Montreal. They will preach the revealed Word, denouncing the Crusades and blaming our women. And they will do so in two languages, Arabic and French. Yes, they'll use the language of l'Homme rapaillé to try and reach the lost children of Quebec. They will offer us the recipe for a ticket to paradise. So run out to hear what they have to say, my Quebecois brothers and sisters. Reserve your seats early, because there's sure to be a crowd at the Palais des congrès. It will be full of the gullible and the fanatical. There will be the curious and the bearded, students, the unemployed, the crazy, and the lonely.
Run! The young Nader Abou Anas and Farid Mounir are waiting anxiously for you. They will tell you some beautiful fables that will make you laugh and cry. Ah, those young kids will be charming. Beards combed in Afghan style, chechias welded to their heads, they will admonish you, O free women of Quebec, to wear the veil. They will speak to you under the watchful eye of their elder, Mohamed Patel, a sharia scholar. You will be seduced by the white, flowing beard of this shiek, this member of the Fatwa Council of the Centre Islamique de la Réunion. He will tell you how to eat halal. He will speak to you about the virtuous family, of putting your finances in the service of God, and will show you the treasures of Islamic science. He will introduce brother Mohamed François, an odd convert from Indre-et-Loire, who will explain how to fear Allah and how to impose the burka on the women of the Belle Province.
So run out and reserve your tickets. You won't regret it, my friends. You will contribute to the Islamification of the world and you will earn hassanats (money in the hereafter). Each ticket sold means $20 more for the Ummah's (the Muslim community's) coffers. And you won't be disappointed: Your sins will be washed away and your soul purified.
At Montreal's Palais des congrès, our devout preachers will ask you to obey, O free women of Quebec. They will forbid you to go out and party and to drink a beer on a cafe terrace. They will tell you that life down here is fleeting and that real life is elsewhere, in the hereafter.
Put away your jewelry, your perfume, your makeup containers, your pants, and your mini-skirts. Cover your bodies from head to toe, obey your spouses, and cry out that Allah is great.
As for you, free men of Quebec, our pious preachers will ask you not to dance, not to sing, not to play the guitar or the piano. They will convince you that music is the work of the devil. They will tell you that it corrupts the heart and the mind.
So forget about Céline Dion and Félix Leclerc, break your pens, burn your libraries, destroy your theatres, snuff out your lanterns and let the fanatics of Allah glorify death and the last judgment.
Run to the Palais des congrès, O free women and men of Quebec. Our venerable sheiks will sell you on backworlds where there will be virgins and rivers of wine.
But as for me, who saw this type of enlightened preaching in the stadiums and streets of Algeria in the early 1990s, which led to over 200,000 deaths and infinite suffering, how could I keep silent?
Today, I want to stand with all my strength against the laxity of the Canadian authorities; I totally embrace the Charter of Quebec Values.
We must get rid of religion in the political sphere.
Islamism is like couch grass: It feeds on cultures. Read here.
At Risk: Planet’s Most Extraordinary Bat Colony
Millions of bats emerge from the mouth of Bracken Cave, a mere 20 minutes north of downtown San Antonio. Photo courtesy of
By Bill Hurley: From March through October, the Bracken Cave is home to a nursery colony of nearly 20 million Mexican free-tailed bats – the largest colony and concentration of mammals on Earth. Right here on the far northeastern edge of San Antonio. The emerging bats darken the sky at sunset as they swarm out of the cave’s mouth to feed on insects, and then again when they return at sunrise. In the course of a single night swarming the skies of South Texas they consume more than 100 tons of crop-damaging insects. And they significantly reduce the number of mosquitos in the region...Continue reading...
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Sri Lankan police apologize for dog wedding
In this Monday, Aug.26, 2013 photograph, Sri Lankan
policemen walk with sniffer dogs as they hold a wedding ceremony of nine
pairs of police dogs in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka police have
apologized for holding a wedding ceremony for sniffer dogs after the
country's culture minister condemned the event and demanded an
investigation. The dogs dressed in shawls, hats and socks were placed on
a decorated platform like those used in traditional weddings in the
ceremony Monday, part of a breeding program. They were later driven away
in a decorated police jeep for their "honeymoons."
Read more here:
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — Sri Lankan police apologized Tuesday for holding a group wedding for dogs trained to detect explosives and drugs after the country's culture minister condemned the event and demanded an investigation.
Nine pairs of police sniffer dogs dressed in shawls, hats and socks were placed on a decorated platform like those used in traditional Buddhist weddings in the ceremony Monday in the central town of Kandy.
Their marriages were registered by an official in the presence of a crowd of veterinary surgeons, medical doctors, top police officers and the public.
Local television showed the dog couples later being driven away in a decorated police jeep for their "honeymoons."...Continue reading...
Read more here:
Syrian rebels used Sarin nerve gas, not Assad’s regime: U.N. official
By Shaun Waterman
Testimony from victims strongly suggests it was the rebels, not the Syrian government, that used Sarin nerve gas during a recent incident in the revolution-wracked nation, a senior U.N. diplomat said Monday.
Carla del Ponte, a member of the U.N. Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, told Swiss TV there were “strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof,” that rebels seeking to oust Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad had used the nerve agent...Continue reading...
Testimony from victims strongly suggests it was the rebels, not the Syrian government, that used Sarin nerve gas during a recent incident in the revolution-wracked nation, a senior U.N. diplomat said Monday.
Carla del Ponte, a member of the U.N. Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, told Swiss TV there were “strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof,” that rebels seeking to oust Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad had used the nerve agent...Continue reading...
Friday, August 23, 2013
Egyptian Christians, Muslims March against Obama
The Christian Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt
by Mark Martin:
Hundreds of Egyptian protestors, many of them Coptic
Christians, rallied in front of the White House Thursday, outraged over
President Barack Obama's support of the Muslim Brotherhood.
"Don't support terrorists!" protestor Hale Salem
said. "Don't support terrorists! Please, Mr. Obama I voted for you --
don't support terrorists."
"He's asking us as Egyptians to leave the terrorists
in Egypt alone? To kill us, to kill our people? It's not gonna
happen," another protestor declared.
Muslims were also present, voicing their opposition against the Brotherhood.
"I'm a Muslim," demonstrator Mina Khalifa said. "It's not a Christian thing. It's an Egyptian thing."
Another Muslim protestor, Suzanne Elnahal, said, "They are terrorists; they have done so many problems in Egypt."...Continue reading...
News on Syria continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.
An Israel Air Force F-15 taking off.
Photo by Daniel Bar-On [photo]
Syria News
News on Syria continually updated from thousands of sources around the net...
Russia Issues “All-Out War” Alert Over Syria
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her
Western Subscribers: A grim report issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) on the just concluded Arctic Council meeting between Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his American counterpart US Secretary of State John Kerry is warning today that President Putin has ordered Russian military forces to “immediately move” from Local War to Regional War operational status and to be “fully prepared” to expand to Large-Scale War should either the US or EU enter into the Syria Civil War...Read report here...
Russia suggests Syria ‘chemical attack’ was ‘planned provocation’ by rebels. RT News
Published time: August 21, 2013 15:44
Edited time: August 22, 2013 10:55

“It draws attention to the fact that biased regional media have immediately, as if on command, begun an aggressive information attack, laying all the responsibility on the government,” Lukashevich said in a statement on Wednesday.
The Russian Foreign Ministry, citing its sources, said that a homemade rocket carrying unidentified chemical substances had been launched from an area controlled by the opposition..." Continue reading, more disturbing pictures...
Edited time: August 22, 2013 10:55
handout image released by the Syrian opposition's Shaam News Network
shows a man taking the body of a child wrapped in shrouds from a line of
victims which Syrian rebels claim were killed in a toxic gas attack by
pro-government forces in eastern Ghouta, on the outskirts of Damascus on
August 21, 2013. (AFP Photo / Daya Al-Deen)
"Reports by “biased regional media” about alleged chemical weapons use
near Damascus might be “a provocation planned in advance,” says Russian
Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich.“It draws attention to the fact that biased regional media have immediately, as if on command, begun an aggressive information attack, laying all the responsibility on the government,” Lukashevich said in a statement on Wednesday.
The Russian Foreign Ministry, citing its sources, said that a homemade rocket carrying unidentified chemical substances had been launched from an area controlled by the opposition..." Continue reading, more disturbing pictures...
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Saskatchewan RCMP top cop retires; first female aboriginal CO to take over
REGINA - Saskatchewan's top Mountie is leaving the job.
Assistant Commissioner Russ Mirasty is retiring at the end of the month.
Mirasty became the first First Nations person to lead an RCMP division when he took the post in December 2010.
He will be replaced by Chief Superintendent Brenda Butterworth-Carr, who becomes the first female aboriginal commanding officer.
Butterworth-Carr joined the RCMP in 1987 as a native special constable.
She has served in Yukon, British Columbia and Saskatchewan in many key positions including as the First Nations policing co-ordinator.
Assistant Commissioner Russ Mirasty is retiring at the end of the month.
Mirasty became the first First Nations person to lead an RCMP division when he took the post in December 2010.
He will be replaced by Chief Superintendent Brenda Butterworth-Carr, who becomes the first female aboriginal commanding officer.
Butterworth-Carr joined the RCMP in 1987 as a native special constable.
She has served in Yukon, British Columbia and Saskatchewan in many key positions including as the First Nations policing co-ordinator.
NASA | From the Cockpit: The Best of IceBridge Arctic '13
Posted by Ghost of a flea : "The views from the cockpit of NASA's P-3B aircraft on an Operation
IceBridge campaign are truly stunning. The mission doesn't travel to
both ends of the Earth for the scenery of course -- the airborne mission
is there to collect radar, laser altimetry, and other data on the
changing ice sheets, glaciers, and sea ice of the Arctic and Antarctic.
But for those of us who aren't polar pilots, here's a selection of some
of the best footage from the forward and nadir cameras mounted to the
aircraft taken during IceBridge's spring deployment over Greenland and
the Arctic Ocean..."
Octopus Houdini escapes boat via tiny hole.
By Michael Graham Richard
Youtube/Screen capture
Youtube/Screen capture
Like fitting a camel through the eye of a needle
Nature Blows My Mind is our series about fauna, flora, and natural phenomena that make us go "Oh, wow! Really? Awesome!" and such. This edition features the Octopus equivalent of Harry Houdini, famous for his daring escape acts (see the photo below). I would have expected octopuses to be very flexible, but but this is more like fitting a camel through the eye of a needle. Impressive that all its internal organs are this maleable...Read here. The video was shot by Chance Miller near the Chiswell Islands in Alaska.Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Luca Parmitano Describes Almost Drowning In Space
Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Blasts Abortion Culture: ‘What in the World Happened to Us?’
"Listen, from the time you started inside your mother's womb, Thomas Jefferson had it right, you have the God-given right to life for crying out loud. You're this long (pointing to his finger). You're a week old inside your mother. They suck you out of there when you're about like that (point to finger again). You wouldn't be here tonight!...Read here... [photo]
By Matt Ves[photo]pa
‘Charter of Quebec Values’ aims to restrict religious symbols
[image]QMI Agency
by The Canadian Press:
MONTREAL – Quebec has launched its next debate on minority accommodation — and this one could make the erstwhile soccer-turban ban look like a leisurely stroll on the pitch.
The government is preparing to introduce long-awaited legislation that would restrict religious symbols in numerous places.
A media report Tuesday with leaked details of the Parti Quebecois government’s “Charter of Quebec Values” says the proposed policy will prohibit public employees from donning Sikh, Jewish and Muslim headwear in the workplace.
It appears the PQ hopes to cash in at the ballot box by championing a position on secularism that polls have suggested has considerable support in the province.
The fiery debate that erupted over a recent ban on wearing turbans on Quebec soccer fields offered a sneak-peek of the what could be in the political pipeline for the national assembly’s fall session.
The turban ban was lifted by the Quebec Soccer Federation due to external pressure — but not before it made headlines around the world. Inside Quebec, Premier Pauline Marois rushed to the defence of the soccer federation and accused its detractors of Quebec-bashing.
Tuesday’s newspaper report says the PQ government is set to prevent employees in public institutions like schools and hospitals from wearing religious symbols such as turbans, niqabs, kippas, hijabs and highly visible crucifixes...Continue reading...
MONTREAL – Quebec has launched its next debate on minority accommodation — and this one could make the erstwhile soccer-turban ban look like a leisurely stroll on the pitch.
The government is preparing to introduce long-awaited legislation that would restrict religious symbols in numerous places.
A media report Tuesday with leaked details of the Parti Quebecois government’s “Charter of Quebec Values” says the proposed policy will prohibit public employees from donning Sikh, Jewish and Muslim headwear in the workplace.
It appears the PQ hopes to cash in at the ballot box by championing a position on secularism that polls have suggested has considerable support in the province.
The fiery debate that erupted over a recent ban on wearing turbans on Quebec soccer fields offered a sneak-peek of the what could be in the political pipeline for the national assembly’s fall session.
The turban ban was lifted by the Quebec Soccer Federation due to external pressure — but not before it made headlines around the world. Inside Quebec, Premier Pauline Marois rushed to the defence of the soccer federation and accused its detractors of Quebec-bashing.
Tuesday’s newspaper report says the PQ government is set to prevent employees in public institutions like schools and hospitals from wearing religious symbols such as turbans, niqabs, kippas, hijabs and highly visible crucifixes...Continue reading...
Country's Greatest Love Stories: Waylon Jennings & Jessi Colter
There's nothing like the love of a good woman to help an outlaw tame his demons. With wife Jessi Colter at his side, Waylon Jennings was able to overcome his addictions and lead a loving, fulfilled life until his death on February 13, 2002.
A Phoenix native, Jessi was first married to rockabilly guitar legend Duane Eddy. After she and Duane divorced, she met Waylon. They married on October 26, 1969 in the Phoenix church where her mother served as the minister. The iconic couple became key figures in country music's outlaw movement. In 1976, 'Wanted! The Outlaws' featuring Waylon, Jessi, Willie Nelson and Tompall Glaser, became the first Nashville album to sell a million copies, but Waylon and Jessi's greatest collaboration was their son, Shooter, born May 19, 1979.
Jessi and Shooter have lent their voices and their blessing to 'The Music Inside: A Collaboration Dedication to Waylon Jennings,' a three CD collection on Big Machine Records. Volume 1 released on February 8, 2011, with subsequent CDs to be issued later this year.
"He is missed," Jessi says of her late husband. "There will never be another one like him. He gave me a great life and so many people so many hours of happiness. He played for the people. I loved him dearly."Read Here
A Phoenix native, Jessi was first married to rockabilly guitar legend Duane Eddy. After she and Duane divorced, she met Waylon. They married on October 26, 1969 in the Phoenix church where her mother served as the minister. The iconic couple became key figures in country music's outlaw movement. In 1976, 'Wanted! The Outlaws' featuring Waylon, Jessi, Willie Nelson and Tompall Glaser, became the first Nashville album to sell a million copies, but Waylon and Jessi's greatest collaboration was their son, Shooter, born May 19, 1979.
Jessi and Shooter have lent their voices and their blessing to 'The Music Inside: A Collaboration Dedication to Waylon Jennings,' a three CD collection on Big Machine Records. Volume 1 released on February 8, 2011, with subsequent CDs to be issued later this year.
"He is missed," Jessi says of her late husband. "There will never be another one like him. He gave me a great life and so many people so many hours of happiness. He played for the people. I loved him dearly."Read Here
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By Bill Sanderson Saudi Arabia's King Salman (right) and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef walk to greet President Obama in Riy...