Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Homeless Paradise - A Photography Project

(Left) Small bacterial infections are oftentimes complicated by a lack of adequate care. (Right) The same man who is homeless looks towards his friends and shares a laugh.Small bacterial infections are oftentimes complicated by a lack of adequate care. (Right) The same man who is homeless looks towards his friends and shares a laugh.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    by Diana Kim
I spent the summer before law school getting to know the gentlemen in the video clip above, and found myself at a crossroad. I shared with Darryl, my internal struggle on whether I should embark on another academic journey into the ivory tower, or opt to "stay in the trenches" with my them. They had strongly advised that I go to law school. Darryl had told me,"Diana, you need to go, so you can use what you learn to help people like us." I took his words to heart, and now I find myself hearing the echo of his powerful statement shared in the video:
"I don't want to survive, I want to thrive. We need to get out of where we are, if that's what we want. I don't want to die here." ...Continue reading...

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