On the eve of Robbie Burns Day, Don Macpherson said he felt a bit like a kid before Christmas.
“I can’t wait,” he said about celebrating the birthday of the 18th-century Scottish poet.
The local bagpiper will perform a selection of tunes at a Robbie Burns dinner at the Glen at Crossmount on Jan. 25. He said his favourite part of the event is the haggis.
“Haggis has a very bad rep for what it once was, literally what was swept off the floor after the sheep was killed and the wool, skin and meat sold. You had the brains and bits and pieces left over and it was stuffed into a sheep’s stomach. Before you sewed it up you put in some spices and boiled it for about a day and a half. It was kind of a mystery meat thing that made baloney look pure. But nowadays of course it’s not that at all.”...http://thestarphoenix.com/news/local-news/robbie-burns-day-local-bagpiper-has-spent-decades-studying-celebrating-scottish-poet2

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