Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pot-bellied pig saves owner's life by lying in front of a car

Oinking for help              Jo Ann Altsman attributes her Vietnamese Pot Belly Pig, Lu Lu with saving her life last month. (Annie O'Neill, Post-Gazette) By Michael A. Fuoco, Post-Gazette Staff Writer
Saturday, October 10, 1998 It was just like those "Lassie" episodes where Timmy would injure himself in the wilderness and the ever-loyal, super-intelligent collie would run to town, bark for help and lead rescuers to her master.
Except that Jo Ann Altsman of Beaver Falls didn't twist her ankle but had a heart attack.                                                                                                                                                       .
OK, it was almost like that. And it wasn't in the wilderness but in the bedroom of her vacation trailer on Presque Isle.
And the pet that ran -- er, waddled -- for help was a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig named LuLu.
When you think about it, LuLu's real-life feat the morning of Aug. 4 was much more amazing than any of Lassie's fictional rescues because she can't bark. That didn't matter. Smart pig that she is, LuLu did the next best thing.
She laid down in front of a car on the road outside the trailer and then led a disbelieving motorist to Altsman, whose ordeal lasted 45 minutes.
. Had 15 more minutes elapsed, doctors told her, she likely would have died.
"Pigs are very, very smart," Altsman, 57, said yesterday. She is recuperating from heart surgery she underwent Sept. 15. "They're a lot smarter than dogs."
Take that, Lassie!...Read here...
Lulu The Pot-Bellied Pig
Animal Heroes
Animal Heroes
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Animal Heroes

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