By Sheila Dabu Nonato, Postmedia News
A remote First Nations reserve in northern Ontario has declared a state of emergency over alarming rates of prescription drug abuse.
But Health Canada officials say the government is responding swiftly to the crisis.
Russell Wesley, the community's spokesperson, said the Cat Lake First Nation's band council is seeking help from the federal government to control its drug problem.
In a population of 480, there are about 150 registered prescription drug addicts, including one pregnant woman and 120 suspected addicts who are not registered.
The problem began in 2005 and "has been escalating ever since," he said...Continue reading..... "Cat Lake First Nation is an isolated First Nation community accessible by aircraft only. It is situated approximately 179 kilometers due north of Sioux Lookout in Northwestern Ontario. The nearest urban centre is Pickle Lake, approximately 115 air kilometers southeast of Cat Lake. The Cat Lake Reserve is approximately 538 acres is size and situated on the north shores of the Cat Lake river system. The community is located on the southeast corner of the Reserve.
Wasaya Airways run daily on regular schedules. A winter road also connects from Pickle Lake during the winter months and takes an average 4 to 5 hours to travel on..."Cat Lake First Nation
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