Saturday, June 9, 2012

With Scientists Predicting the World's End (Again), the UN Rattles Its Cup. Forbes

Patrick Michaels , Contributor

At the interface of public science and public policy Notice all the horrendous news about our environment?  That’s a sure sign that the UN is about to throw another mega-gabfest where global leaders will shake their heads and shake down the U.S. for monies that Congress will wisely refuse to fork over. Two weekends from now, the UN is holding its “Rio+20 Earth Summit”, the largest meeting in the history of an organization that pretty much does nothing but stage meetings. The 1992 Rio Summit produced the Framework Convention on Climate Change, which was the basis for the completely failed Kyoto Protocol on global warming. It also spawned Agenda 21, a document which outlined in great detail its plans to punish and pillage producer nations and transmit their wealth to the world’s great kleptocracies........The 1972 and 2012 ends-of-the-world are simply the same shtick with the same tactics and objectives, namely abuse of authority to give authority to a global bureaucracy. Between then and now there have been literally dozens of such silly screeds. They obviously didn’t or won’t work, just like the 1992 Earth Summit and Rio+20. If these people were serious about greenhouse gases and hot air, they would meet online.  But they are not, not after 20 consecutive failures.Read article here...

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