Monday, February 25, 2013

Israeli history: it’s all about roots

Jerusalem pine tree, Masrek (photo credit: Shmuel Bar-Am)The oldest of our ancient trees have lived through wars, religious upheavals, conquests and defeats; the youngest have seen the return of the Jews to their ancient homeland.

Legend holds that after the Temple was destroyed, all the trees in the Land of Israel shed their leaves in mourning. All the trees, that is, except for the olive.
“Why are you not sad?” the other trees asked the olive. “You, who provided oil for the sacred menorah, why are you not full of sorrow, as we are?” The olive tree replied: “Can you not see the torment in my heart?” And, indeed, olive trees are twisted and gnarled, as if their hearts are in travail.
Unless their leaves are swaying in the breeze — or falling in a forest — trees rarely make a sound. Yet what if they could talk? As the oldest forms of life in the universe, they could tell riveting stories about long-ago events and the people who made them happen!
The oldest of Israel’s ancient trees have lived through wars, religious upheavals,  conquests and defeats; the youngest have seen the return of the Jews to their ancient homeland. Here are but a few, together with their fascinating tales!...Read tales here...

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