Monday, February 17, 2014

Radical Islam is on the march in Canada

By ,Toronto Sun:
Two terror trials unfolding on Canadian soil should cause enough concern over the spread of radical Islam in Canada.
Both Chiheb Esseghaier and Dr. Khurram Sher, the pathologist and former Canadian Idol contestant, have openly ranted against Canada.
But there’s also another more insidious form of Islamism at play in Canadian universities and public institutions that some of us may shrug off as innocuous.
The University of Calgary is hosting a conference Saturday where Memphis imam and one-time Holocaust denier Yasir Qadhi will speak.
Imam Qadhi lectures at Rhodes College in the Department of Religious Studies. In the past, he argued Jews are not “semites” but “European” from “Russia.” He also encouraged his audiences to read The Hoax of the Holocaust and called the Holocaust false propaganda....Continuereading...

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